March 2023 Favorite Things

February 2023 Favorite Things

5 Hair Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Erasing Summer Damage
The bad news? Beach trips, pool days and steamy weather is on its way out. The effect of summer lingers on our hair with dry strands, broken ends, and chlorine stained locks.
The good news? It’s (almost) completely erasable, and we’re here to show you how. Psst.. the answer isn’t just cutting it off.

Our New Body Care Line... And How They're Directing Us To The Gospel
We did it again. We brought in a new product line that we’re over the moon about, but this one is different. Girl Crush Co. creates far more than organic, locally sourced body care. These nutrient-rich, handcrafted products benefit Second Grace – a program designed to support local, at-risk single moms through mentorship, education, and employment so they can approach parenting and the professional world more confidently.

how to get a salon blowout at home
Let me guess. You’ve left the salon with perfectly smooth hair, volume in all the right places, and a bouncy-bend. You took home all the right products, but you can’t figure out why your hair falls flat, doesn’t keep a style, or still feels frizzy.
We’re here to answer one of our most-asked questions...